

This website provides a collection of ebooks specially for students at UC Berkeley. For certain reasons, we don't provide google drive link on this webpage. To obtain download links through google drive, scan the QR code on the right to follow us on wechat. Detailed instructions will be provided. I will continue to update the book list according to your feedback.

Table of Courses


  • Anthro1------> 度盘 密码:j4ul
    1. Essentials of Physical Anthropology: Discovering Our Origins | Larsen | 1st edtion
  • Anthro2AC------> 度盘 密码:n1o5
    1. the Land of Open Graves | León | N/A
  • Anthro3AC------> 度盘 密码:huu7
    1. Discovering our Past: a Brief Introduction to Archaeology | Ashmore, Sharer | 5th edtion


  • Astron7A------> 度盘 密码:rq96
    1. an Introduction to Modern Astrophysics | Carroll, Ostilie | 2nd edtion
  • AstronC10------> 度盘 密码:hoci
    1. the Cosmos: Astronomy in the New Millenium(.equb) | Pasachoff | 4th edtion


  • Bio1A/1AL/1B------> 度盘 密码:3qrt
    1. Campbell Biology | Reece, Wasserman | 10th edition
    2. Campbell Biology | Reece, Wasserman | 11th edition
  • MCB32------> 度盘 密码:dnmh
    1. Principles of Human Biology | Stanfield | 5th edition
  • MCB102------> 度盘 密码:io9j
    1. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry | Nelson, Cox | 6th edition
  • MCB104------> 度盘 密码:paxd
    1. Essential Cell Biology | Alberts | 4th edition
    2. Genetics: from Genes to Genomes | Hartwell | 4th edition
  • MCB110------> 度盘 密码:ukwp
    1. Molecular Biology: Principles of Genome Function | Craig | N/A


  • Chem1A------> 度盘 密码:zzi4
    1. Chemistry: a Molecular Approach | Tro | 3rd edition
    2. Chemistry: a Molecular Approach | Tro | 4th edition
    3. Chemical Principles: the Quest for Insight | Atkins, Jones, Laverman | 6th edition
  • Chem1B------> 度盘 密码:awyz
    1. Principles of Modern Chemistry | Oxtoby, gillis, Campion | 7th edition
  • Chem3AL------> 度盘 密码:ozp4
    1. Understanding the Principles of Organic Chemistry: a Laboratory Course | Pedersen, Myers | N/A
  • Chem3A/3B------> 度盘 密码:oxul
    1. Organic Chemistry: Structure and Function | Vollhardt, Schore | 7th edtion
  • Chem4A/4B------> 度盘 密码:67pz
    1. Quantitative Chemistry Analysis | Harris | 8th edtion
    2. General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Application | Petrucci, Herring | 11th edition


  • Cogsci1B------> 度盘 密码:26g2
    1. Cognitive Science: an Introduction to the science of the Mind | Bermúdez | 2nd edtion
  • Cogsci127------> 度盘 密码:tjmn
    1. Cognitive Neuroscience: the Biology of the Mind | Gazzaniga, Ivry, Mangun | 4th edtion


  • CS61B------> 度盘 密码:8dfc
    1. Algorithms | Sedgewick, Waynee | 4th edition
    2. Head First Java | Sierra, Bates | 2nd edition
    3. Data Structures & Algorithms in Java | Goodrich, Tamassia, Goldwasser | 6th edition
  • CS61C------> 度盘 密码:16bo
    1. the C Programming Language | Kernighan, Ritchie | 2nd edition
    2. Computer Organization and Design: the Hardware/Software Interface | Patternson, Hennesy | 5th edtion
    3. the Datacenter as a Computer: an Introduction to the Design of Warehouse-Scale Machines | Barroso, Hölzle | N/A
  • CS162------> 度盘 密码:b9tu
    1. Operating Systems: Principles and Practice | Anderson, Dahlin | N/A
  • CS168------> 度盘 密码:yqlg
    1. Computer Networking: a Top-Down Approach | Kurose, Ross | 6th
  • CS170------> 度盘 密码:8eb5
    1. Algorithms | Dasgupta, Papadimitriou, Vairani | 1st edition
  • CS186------> 度盘 密码:mgz1
    1. Database System Concepts | Siberschatz, Korth, Sudarshan | 6th edition
    2. Database Management Systems | Ramakrishnan, Gehrke | 3rd edition
  • CS188------> 度盘 密码:w163
    1. Artificial Intelligence: a Modern Approach | Russel, Norvig | 3rd edition


  • Econ1/2------> 度盘 密码:nljb
    1. Macroeconomics as a Second Language | Olney | N/A
    2. Principles of Economics | Frank, Bernanke | 5th edition
  • Econ100A------> 度盘 密码:h40j
    1. Microeconomics: Theory & Applications with Calculus | Perloff | N/A
  • Econ100B------> 度盘 密码:8t1x
    1. Macroeconomics: Policy and Practices | Mishkin | 2nd
  • Econ101A------> 度盘 密码:7eb7
    1. Microeconomic Theory: Basic Principles and Extensions | Nicholson, Snyder | 11th edtion
  • Econ140------> 度盘 密码:tzib
    1. Introduction to Econometrics | Stock | 3rd edtion
  • Econ141------> 度盘 密码:c7lj
    1. Introductory Econometrics: a Modern Approach | Wooldridge | 6th edtion


  • EE16A------> 度盘 密码:vbb7
    1. Schaum's outlines: Electric Circuits | Nahvi, Edminister | 6th edtion
    2. Schaum's outlines: Linear Algebra | Lipschutz, Lipson | 4th edtion
  • EE126------> 度盘 密码:r1xn
    1. Introduction to Probability | Bertsekas, Tsitsiklis | 2nd edtion


  • French1/2------> 度盘 密码:4wxt
    1. Chez Nous: branché sur le monde francophone | Valdman, Pons, Scullen | 4th edtion


  • Math1A------> 度盘 密码:hf49
    1. Single Variable Calculus | Stewart | 7th edtion
    2. Calculus: Early Transcendentals | Stewart | 8th edtion
  • Math1B------> 度盘 密码:vlnq
    1. Single Variable Calculus | Stewart | 7th edtion
    2. Multivariable Calculus | Stewart | 7th edtion
    3. Calculus: Early Transcendentals | Stewart | 8th edtion
  • Math10A/10B------> 度盘 密码:xhbk
    1. Calculus for the Life Sciences | Schreiber, Smith, Getz | N/A
  • Math16A/16B------> 度盘 密码:6zyx
    1. Calculus & its applications | Goldstein, Lay, Schneider, Asmar | 13th edition
    2. Calculus with applications | Lial, Greenwell, Ritchey | 11th edition
  • Math32------> 度盘 密码:efwp
    1. Precalculus: a Prelude to Calculus | Axler | 2nd edition
  • Math53------> 度盘 密码:3lir
    1. Multivariable Calculus | Stewart | 7th edtion
    2. Calculus: Early Transcendentals | Stewart | 8th edtion
  • Math54------> 度盘 密码:4ss0
    1. Fundamentals of Differential Equations | Snider | 8th edtion
    2. Linear Algebra and its Applications | Lay | 4th edtion
  • Math55------> 度盘 密码:8mz0
    1. Discrete Mathematics and its Applications | Rosen | 7th edtion
  • Math104------> 度盘 密码:54f1
    1. Elementary Analysis: the Theory of Calculus | Ross | 2nd edtion
  • Math110------> 度盘 密码:lla0
    1. Linear Algebra | Friedberg, Insel, Spence | 4th edtion
  • Math113------> 度盘 密码:1c0w
    1. Abstract Algebra | Herstein | 3rd edtion
    2. a First Course in Abstract Algebra | Fraleign | N/A
  • Math128A------> 度盘 密码:xbp4
    1. Numerical Analysis | Burden, Faires | 9th edtion
  • Math185------> 度盘 密码:wd3a
    1. Notes on Complex Function Theory | Sarason | N/A
    2. Schaum's Outlines: Complex Variables | Spiegel, Lipschutz | 2nd edition
    3. Visual Complex Analysis | Needham | N/A
    4. Complex Analysis | Stein, Shakarchi | N/A
    5. Introduction to Complex Analysis | Priestley | 2nd
    6. Complex Variables and Applications | Brown, Churchill | 9th


  • Physics7A/7B------> 度盘 密码:5ukh
    1. Physics for Scientists & Engineers with modern physics | Giancoli | 4th edition
  • Physics7C------> 度盘 密码:1jiy
    1. Physics for Scientists & Engineers with modern physics | Giancoli | 4th edition
    2. Modern Physics | Tipler, Liewellyn | 6th edition
  • Physics8A/8B------> 度盘 密码:vwxk
    1. Essential University Physics | Wolfson | 2nd edition


  • Psych1------> 度盘 密码:o7h8
    1. Introduction to Psychology | Kalat | 9th edition
  • Psych2------> 度盘 密码:rs5t
    1. Psychology | Myers | 10th edition
  • Psych101------> 度盘 密码:zjkp
    1. Statistics for Psychology | Aron, Coups | 6th edition
    2. Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences | Nolan, Heinzen | 2nd edition


  • Stat2/20/21------> 度盘 密码:wnuv
    1. Statistics | Freedman, Pisani, Purves | 4th edtion
  • Stat134------> 度盘 密码:ufdk
    1. Probablity | Pitman | 1st edtion
  • Stat135------> 度盘 密码:i5hn
    1. Stat labs: Mathematical Statistics through Applications | Nolan, Speed | 2nd edtion
    2. Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis | Rice | 3rd edtion
    3. Introductory Statistics with R | Dalgaard | 2nd edtion
  • Stat150------> 度盘 密码:0pi0
    1. An Introduction to Stochastic Modeling | Pinsky, Karlin | 4th edtion
    2. Basic Stochastic Process: a Course through Exercises | Breźniak, Zastawniak | N/A
  • Stat153------> 度盘 密码:6t7e
    1. Time Series Analysis and its Applications with R Examples | Shumway, Stoffer | 3rd edition
    2. Time Series Analysis with Applications in R | Cryer, Chan | 2nd
  • Stat154------> 度盘 密码:pmbc
    1. an Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R | James, Witten, Hastie, Tibshirani | N/A
  • Stat155------> 度盘 密码:xe5a
    1. Game Theory | Ferguson | N/A
    2. Game Theory | Karlin, Peres | N/A


  • UGBA101B------> 度盘 密码:4qo4
    1. Macroeconomics: Policy and Practice | Mishkin | 2nd edtion


If you have any advice or find any mistake I've made (even a typo), please don't hesitate to contact me: cal.textbook@gmail.com

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